Harley 1925/26 Rear #36-4

Harley Davidson 1925/26 wide frame Rear Fender by Vintage Steel

This is a faithful reproduction of the later 1925 model Harley Davidson rear fenders for wide frame models. It is of 2-piece hinged tail description, but Harley made it in 3 pieces so we have too. There is a second join under the seat which has a step-down overlap and is spot-welded back together.  The finished width of the fender is 5.4” or 137mm. It has a riveted bracket in the tail, riveted custom made hinge and cut-out in left side for chain clearance. There are subtle differences between years so please specify the exact details as you know them. Earlier (1921-25) model with pressed in sides are also available (#36HARRF-1, 2 or 3) see links below.
Price as pictured (includes stay kit & rivets loose as shown) AU$1507 #36HARRF-4

Please contact us for more info here

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